How to Get... a Building Permit

"Don't Let The Fear Of Getting A Building Permit Rob You Of Your Dream Home!"

Is It Possible to Get a Building Permit for a Handmade House?

You know, for a house that is... "different".

A house that is... "handcrafted".

(not one of those vinyl covered boxes that most people choose to build)

Is it possible, in today's world, to get permission from the government to build a home that is truly amazing? ... when confronted with oppressive Building Codes?


We at Handmade Houses are asked this question...


The Truth is that We Have Never Failed to Get a Permit!

We do cover this very topic within many of the Academy Courses that we offer here at Handmade Houses... but, we get a lot of preliminary requests for this information... because so many individuals view the Permitting Process as an insurmountable obstacle that might keep them from achieving their dream home. So, we have now created this stand-alone, extended-version, video course for those of you who want to learn directly from someone who is experienced at Getting a Building Permit for uniquely designed and hand-built custom homes!

Stop the Madness!... You Have the RIGHT to Build YOUR Home!

How to Get A Building Permit Academy

Value-Priced at just $79!

I want to help you build your own home!

I want to help you get past the dreaded building permit process, as easily as possible.

Can I gaurantee that you will get a permit for your unique handcrafted home easily?

Of course not.

But I can guarantee you that you will have a much harder time getting a permit without the insights provided within this Academy video course.

This is not a deceptive course... there is nothing illegal here... it is not a method to build a substandard home and get away with it. It is rather an insider's look, from all angles, as to what is involved to get past this often-challenging home building hurdle... for those who dream, and want to build, "differently".

If you want to build a handmade house... a home constructed of logs, or timbers, or stones. If you want to build a home of much higher quality than the minimal standards established by international building codes. If you wonder if you can move forward against overbearing code restrictions, as government regulators seek to squeeze us into industry-established conformity...

You will find your answers here.

I've seen many who are new to the process of applying for a building permit make the same mistakes over and over again. And their dreams often die before the first stone is ever laid on their future home.

Many of these dream-killing mistakes are made within the first few minutes of entering the Building Permitting Office. Don't be that individual that the staff talks (and laughs about) the rest of the day after you leave. Be the one who gets the permit for a handmade home!

I aquired my first building permit for a Handmade House in 1978 and have gotten over a hundred of them since... in many different localities. Approval for some of these homes has come easily, while some have been a real challenge. I have designed and built many unique houses for decades now, and I've always been able to get a permit!

Allow me to share with you how I've done it... and help you get yours!

I know of nowhere else where you will find what I reveal in this course. Builders rarely share their insights with others... and to be honest... there are very few builders ought there who specialize in building handmade houses.

The insights in this course are not things that you want to learn the hard way... so sign up now!


Learn How to Get... THAT PERMIT!

All for only one payment of $79!

to a video course that will help get you through this most critical step in acheiving the home of your dreams!